02 Nov

Why do we celebrate Native American Heritage Month?

“November is Native American Heritage Month, or as it is commonly referred to, American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. The month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native people,” according to the National Congress of American Indians. -National Today

How can you honor Native American ancestors?

You can honor Native American Heritage Month and support Mother Nature at the same time by planting flowers and plants that are indigenous to your area. By acknowledging your land and giving thanks to the land you are on is a way to appreciate being Native and celebrating it's beauty.  

Give thanks to the tribe and its land at the start of meetings.  

Read a book by a Native Author.  Start with our own Sault Tribe Member Angeline Boulley's "Firekeepers Daughter".

Watch a movie with Native American actors.

Purchase Native created products and items to support Native Crafters.

Search this business directory for a list of Native owned shops-

Crafty Natives Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1007285223179893 


Follow Indigenous artist Isaac Murdoch for free graphics, stories, and learn about Native ways.

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