07 Sep

Every Child Matters: Residential Boarding School History

The month of September is dedicated to our survivors and victims of Native American Residential Boarding Schools. "Every Child Matters" is a movement that demands justice for our relatives that have suffered at the hands of religious authority and the victimization of our Native people.  We demand that churches tell the truth and we want to educate future generations about the travesty of attempted genocide of Natives.  Watch for information on our Facebook page that brings awareness to the topic.

Michigan was once home to 5 residential boarding schools.  The Mount Pleasant Indian Industrial Boarding School at Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, was founded by the United States Congress in 1891.  Followed soon by two others; Holy Name of Jesus Indian Mission in Baraga and Holy Childhood Boarding School in Harbor Springs. The Mackinac Island school and another in Schoolcraft county were not as popular as the first three and closed down just a few years into their operation. 

Mount Pleasant Indian Industrial Boarding School pictured above.

Holy Childhood of Jesus Christ in Harbor Springs was "home" to many Sault Tribe members at one time.

Assinins Holy Name Church-Baraga, MI.  The Assinins orphanage and school stood in contrast to the government-sanctioned “Indian schools” that forced Native children into white society.  

Assinins Orphanage in Baraga, MI

Sault Tribe member Kim Fyke is a survivor of Harbor Springs Holy Childhood residential boarding school.  Kim and her siblings attended for many years.  Kim is willing to share her stories and will speak at ARC's upcoming event on September 30, 2022 for Orange Shirt Day.

Kim Fyke (above) at Holy Childhood residential school.  

Sault Tribe member Dalinda Brissette (nee Causley) (below) also attended Holy Childhood.  

A captivating photo of reluctant Native children before leaving for boarding school in Hampton, VA.

These sweet little children may or may not have ever returned to their families.  


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